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Yokogawa has announced the CA series electromagnetic flowmet

Time2022-10-13 15:14 linkS:
  Yokogawa Electric Corporation has announced the launch of OpreXTM electromagnetic flowmeter CA series products. This new product line inherits the characteristics of the ADMAG CA line and is part of the OpreX family of field instruments. The new line of products are capacitive electromagnetic flowmeters that measure the flow of conductive fluid through the measuring tube without the fluid coming into contact with the device's electrodes. In addition to this non-liquid electrode configuration, the series features new features that improve user friendliness, maintainability, and operational efficiency. The new series will be available in most major markets such as Japan, Southeast Asia, North and South America, Oceania, the Middle East and Africa from today, and will also be available in Europe and China after obtaining the CE mark and relevant explosion-proof standard certification.

                              OpreX electromagnetic flowmeter CA series

1):Research and development background

In the factory, the efficiency of such inspections is a constant problem on the production site as each meter needs to be checked to maintain stable operation and product quality. Because electromagnetic flowmeters do not have structural components that impede fluid flow and cause fluid pressure loss, they are widely used in factories to measure fluids with conductive properties. Large chemical plants and other such facilities may have hundreds of such meters, so it is important to be able to effectively inspect and replace them and collect data from them. In response to these demands, Yokogawa Electric developed the OpreXTM Electromagnetic flowmeter CA series by modifying the ADMAG CA series, which was first released in 1995 and has been widely adopted by major Japanese customers. The series features improved operational efficiency and maintainability and can be released in many different regions. This will help reduce the man-hours required for customer meter inspections and help improve the operational efficiency of the plant.

2)Products Features:

OpreX electromagnetic flowmeter CA series features:
The capacitive electromagnetic flowmeter uses electrodes mounted outside a ceramic measuring tube to measure the EMF generated by the fluid passing through the tube, eliminating all direct contact between the electrode and the fluid. This ensures a steady flow measurement of fluids containing minerals, which generate electrical noise when they collide with electrodes. Fluids include latex, a viscous insulating fluid that adheres to the inner surface of the pipe, and low conductivity deionized water and water jelly (millet jelly).
In addition to this non-liquid electrode configuration, the newly released OpreX electromagnetic flowmeter CA series has the following new features:
1, can improve user friendliness and operational efficiency of the new practical functions.
It also adds support for the widely used HART communication protocol. The user interface is now available in nine languages, making it quick and easy to examine the information displayed. As an optional feature, measurements can be saved on the microSD card for viewing on a PC, and meter Settings saved on the microSD card can be copied to other devices. The display is now backlit to greatly improve visibility at night and in dark locations.
2, improve the maintainability of equipment reliability analysis function.
The series also has a feature that can be analyzed and verified to be in good working condition when installed on a pipe. The INSPECTION OF MAGNETIC CIRCUIT, EXCITATION CIRCUIT and OPERATION circuit, as well as the inspection of equipment status alarm and reliability, can be completed in 6 minutes at the fastest. When used in combination with Yokogawa Electric's FSA130 software (sold separately) and other maintenance tools, many additional items can be checked and reports can be easily created when the device is mounted on the pipe.
3, easy to replace the measuring tube, suitable for a variety of uses.
These flowmeters come in eight measuring tube sizes ranging from 15 mm to 200 mm and are suitable for a variety of uses. Since they have the same surface spacing * as ADMAG CA series flowmeters, the ADMAG CA series flowmeters can be replaced with OpreX electromagnetic flowmeters CA series products without additional work.
* End to end length required to install magnetic flowmeter on pipe

3) Key Target  Market

Chemical industry, paper and pulp, mining, food and beverage, water and sewage treatment.

4)The main purpose

Flow measurement of a fluid with the following characteristics
A fluid with an insulating material that adheres easily to the measuring tube
A fluid containing a dense slurry (solid)
Low conductivity fluid

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