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Calibration method for Fuji Oxygen zirconia analyzer

Time2023-06-05 11:01 linkS:
                                                                         Calibration method for Fuji Oxygen zirconia analyzer

Fuji Zirconia oxygen analyzer has the characteristics of high sensitivity, good stability, fast response time and continuous on-line measurement. Widely used in chemical industry, steel, electric power, environmental protection, paper making, glass, building materials boiler, kiln and other industries, can be fully combustion furnace, reduce emissions. In actual use, Fuji Oxygen zirconia analyzer needs to be calibrated regularly. Today, we will understand the calibration method of  Fuji Oxygen zirconia analyzer.

(1) Background check: This must be checked in the air, if not in the air, the residual gas will reduce the calibration reference value, can not reach the oxygen value of the air. We screw down the standard air port, which is in the junction box of the zirconia probe, put the probe in the air, enter the SET menu, select "background automatic check" according to the steps in the instructions, and wait until the oxygen meter shows about 20.6. As the probe has been used, there must be residual gas inside, so the display value is about 20.6.
(2) Automatic calibration of standard gas: the same is to screw down the standard gas port, the same standard gas port in the zirconia probe junction box, we pass into the standard gas, according to the manual calibration steps, select the "standard gas automatic calibration", in the sale of fuji oxygen zirconia analyzer, there are also standard gas, customers can choose to use. Standard gas usually has 4L and 8L standard gas. Before automatic calibration of standard gas, we usually conduct background check first. Whether the background millivolt signal is around 0MV, the closer it is to 0MV, the more accurate it is. After stability, the concentration is calibrated to air concentration.

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