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Explosion -proof level division of explosion -proof electric

Time2023-04-03 10:57 linkS:
The division of the explosion -proof level of explosion -proof electrical equipment is divided according to the type of equipment, the temperature group of the explosive gas mixture, and the explosion -proof type of explosion -proof electrical equipment. Explosion -proof electrical equipment is divided into two categories: Class I is electrical equipment for coal mines; II is an electrical equipment used in places other than mine, and is distinguished according to the maximum test safety gap (MESG) or minimum ignition current (MICR). Class II electrical appliances The equipment is divided into three categories: IIA, IIB, and IIC (Safety level: A <b <C).
The above four categories are mainly based on the minimum spark energy that may be detonated under different conditions. my country's and European and most countries and regions in the world will divide the explosive gas into these four dangerous levels. The specific differences are as follows:

Mining category Gas classification Representative gas Minimum sparkling energy
Mines I Methane 0.280mJ
  IIA Propane 0.180mJ
Factory outside the mine IIB Ethylene 0.060mJ
  IIC hydrogen 0.019mJ

Secondly, according to the differences in the temperature of the explosive gas mixture, the group is divided into six types of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6 (the highest safety level of T6, that is, the lower the surface temperature of the device, the better):

The highest surface temperature (℃) Temperature group Common explosive gas
  IEC79-8 GB3836-1
450℃ T1 46 species such as hydrogen, acrylics, etc.
300℃ T2 47 types of acetylene, ethylene, etc
200℃ T3 36 types of gasoline, butthonaldehyde, etc.
135℃ T4 6 types such as acetaldehyde, tetrafluoroethylene
100℃ T5 Carbonide
85℃ T6 Nitrite and nitrite ethylis

Explosion -proof mobile phones refer to the explosion -proof requirements of the national standard GB3836.1/GB3836.4 through explosion -proof and compulsory certification (Explosion -proof signs Exib II CT4 GB). Choose explosion -proof mobile phones, first determine what type of explosive substances exist in the environment, and then divide the dangerous places according to the different gas or dust.
1. Explosive substances are divided into Class III:
Class I: Mine methane; Class II: explosive gas mixture (including vapor and fog); Class III: explosive dust (fiber or flying floc).
2. Definition of dangerous places:
It is the amount of dangerous possibilities in the region, which stipulates that it can be applicable. Below is a hierarchical classification of the hazardous areas divided by the International Electricity Commission/European Electricity Commission
Area 0 (ZONE 0): Explosive gas always exists or long for a long time; regions where the risk is greater than 1,000 hours/annual continuous existence;
Area 1 (ZONE 1): Finifying gas may occur or exist during the legitimate work of the instrument; there is a danger of 10 to 1,000 hours/annual area;
Area 2 (Zone 2): In general, there is no flammable gas and even occasionally, the existence time is short; the danger in the state of the accident is 0.1 ~ 10 hours/annual area;

3. Explosion -proof measures are divided into:
"D" fire cover
"PX", "PY", "PZ" gas filling
"ma", "MB" plastic packaging
"o" oil soaking, "q" quartz sand filling
"IA", "IB", "IC" essential security,
"TD" dust protective cover
"PD" gas filling in the dust environment
"MAD", "MBD", plastic packaging in the dust environment
"IAD", "IBD", "ICD", internal security in the dust environment
"na", "nc", "nr", "nl", "nz" area 2 and 22 under 2 and 22
OP "optical radiation.
4. The applicability of explosion -proof methods for dangerous places:

Serial number Explosion -proof Code National standard Explosion -proof measure Applicable area
1 Explosion -proof d GB3836.2 Isolation exist ignition Zone1,Zone2
2 explosion-proof e GB3836.3 Try to Prevent
3 Intrinsically safe explosion Ia GB3836.4 Limit Ignition power Zone0-2
ib Zone1,Zone2
4 Positive pressure explosion-proof p GB3836.5 Hazardous substance Separated with ignition Zone1,Zone2
5 Oil-Filled o GB3836.6 Hazardous substance Separated with ignition Zone1,Zone2
6 Sand-filled q GB3836.7 Hazardous substance Separated with ignition Zone1,Zone2
7 non-sparking type n GB3836.8 Try to Prevent
8 Sealed type m GB3836.9 Isolation exist ignition Zone1,Zone2
9 Air Tight type
h GB3836.10 Isolation exist ignition Zone1,Zone2

Explosion -proof mobile phones can be widely used in flammable and explosive and hazardous chemicals such as the first and second districts. In the industries such as oil, chemical industry, smelting, natural gas, and dangerous goods transportation, it can be used as a professional handheld terminal inspection, equipment point inspection, tank area inspection, maintenance and construction and other explosion -proof areas.
Fuji transmitter can be applied in all the above explosion -proof areas, and can be equipped with functional safety transmitter through model selection.


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